How do you spot something new in what you already know?
Play/games are great when we have to come up with new ideas. Especially if children and adults play together. As we play, we can take advantage of the infinity of imagination and children's open approach to what is going on around them. Stated by Karin Møller Villumsen, Knowledge Manager at CoC Playful Minds.
- In the game we can imagine that the world looks different and try different roles, angles and perspectives. Ideas may be wild in the beginning - you can always make them more realistic along the way.
Next time you face a problem in the family, try to find solutions that can benefit both children and adults. How do you get the whole family to sort waste or get out the door on time? Often, it takes many ideas before great and useful solutions emerge, Karin Møller Villumsen explains.
- The idea binoculars are great, because you use your hands like binoculars to see the world with new eyes. How to experience the garden if you lie down? How would it be if the flowers stood somewhere else?
Are you curious about educational play and collaboration with children?